Disclaimer Titan Forex Funds

The information on the Website is provided solely for analysis purposes only and should not be construed as financial, investment, tax, or other advice. Nothing on the Website or in our Services represents a solicitation, advice, endorsement, or offer to purchase or sell stocks or other financial instruments by Titan Forex Funds, its agents, employees, contractors, or any connected entities. You are solely responsible for assessing the benefits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content on the Website. All investments include substantial risk, and an individual’s investment decisions are solely his/her obligation. All information on the Website is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Titan Forex Funds, or its partners, employees, or agents, shall in no way be responsible to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information on the Website, or for any consequential, special, or similar damages, even if warned of the potential of such damages. Purchases should not be regarded as deposits. All program charges are utilized for working expenses including, however not restricted to, staff, innovation, and other business-related costs.

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Embrace the Titan Forex Funds Trading Challenge, accessible to traders globally, respecting local laws. We've tackled one of the major hurdles traders face - lack of Trading Virtual Capital! Accept the Challenge. Succeed. Begin your trading adventure with us!

Titain Forex Funds is an affiliate of Prop Account, LLC. All funding assessments are provided by Prop Account, LLC and all assessment fees are paid to Prop Account, LLC. If you qualify for a Funded Account, you will be required to enter into a Trader Agreement with Prop Account LC. Neither Prop Account, LLC nor Prop Account LC provides any trading education or other services. All such services are provided by Titan Forex Funds